2668 poze   58946 vizite
A-Hii Loome-AB-Friends-BC-Just Me Baby-CCe Crezi Despre MineD-Mama-DD-My family Sunniiii-DE-Vanessa Anne Hudgens-E   A Month of Moulin Rouge   Back in Los Angeles   Bike Ride in Rome   Bike Ride with Austin Butler   Blonde   Breakers on The Beach   Church Service Sweeties   Coachella Smooch Session   Colorful Cover Up   Cum   Dancing Darlings   EJAF Oscar Party   FESTIVAL COACHELLA   Frozen Ground First Look   Green for St Patty s Day   Gym Junkies   Gym Time with Laura New   Loving Florida   MTV 10 ON TOP   Nail Salon Sisters   Neon Bikini Babes   Newsroom Cafe Couple   Off To Film Spring Breakers   Oster Media Presents Leila Shams After-Party   Parisian Shopper   Planet Blue Shopping Spree   Pool Party on Spring Breakers Set   RaRe   Renaissance Pleasure Faire with Austin Butler   Rob A Restaurant   Shops at Chanel   Soho Sweeties   Splish Splash   Stella and Vanessa   To Infinity Bed Bath Beyond   Tuesday Yoga Class Cutie   V-Dublu-V   Vai de mine   Valentine s Day   Vanessa Hudgens Women in Film Cocktail Party   Visits MomF-No Comment-FFor xTomboleCool4everG-Zac Efron-G   Betty White Bombs Zac Efron s Voice Audition   Film Independent Spirit Awards 2012   Handpicked by Audrey Geisel for Lorax Role   Happy Retirement Robyn Metchik   New Face of John John Denim   Plaid for Paperboy   Read Across America with Danny DeVito   Shirtless at Sydney Hotel   Sings Barbara Ann with Conan O Brien   The Lorax in Rome   The Paperboy Premiere in Cannes   Z-Dublu-z   ZanessaH-Destiny Cyrus-H   Bike Ridin Beauty   Favorite Part of the Day Pilates   M-Dublu-M   Miley Cyrus Better Watch The Hunger Games   Running with Floyd   Studio City SweetiesI-Demetria Devonne Lovato-I   Big Time Movie Mates   D-Dublu-D   Debuts New Blonde Hair   Off To Chile   People s Choice Awards Winner and Performance   Photo Shoot with Tyler Blackburn   Shoot with Tyler Shields   Stay Strong Debuts Today   Strawberry Festival Sweetie   X Factor in TexasJ-Celebrity Friend-JK-One Direction-K   Elephant Project Pics   iCarly Episode Airs This WeekendL-LaLa Band-LN-Pe Cine Alegi-Serial-N   Episodul - 1   Episodul - 2   Episodul - 3   Episodul - 4   Episodul - 5   Episodul - 6   Episodul - 7   Episodul - 8   Episodul - 9   Episodul 10a   Episodul 11a   Episodul 12a   Episodul 13aO-Zodii-OP-Putin Adevar Despre Tine-PS-Alege-S   x 1 x   x 2 x   x 3 x   x 4 x   x 5 x   x 6 x   x 7 x   x 8 x   x 9 x   y 10 y   y 11 y   y 12 y   y 13 y   y 14 y   y 15 y   y 16 y   y 17 y   y 18 y   y 19 y   y 20 yWoW

membru din 26 ianuarie 2012

Episodul - 1

Nume Serial: Pe Cine alegi?
Nume Episod: Lesby.
Stare: Terminat.
Next: 10 Comentarii´.
Pagni: 6.
By: xdFriendsForeverxd

Vizionare Placuta...
Loome,lome...Sor´mea e lesby!:)) (zbierand)
Loome,lome...Sor´mea e lesby!:)) (zbierand)
Aaa..Te omor ku mana meah´!x(
Aaa..Te omor ku mana meah´!x(
Il omori dupa ora,akm tre´s mergem in cls!;)
Il omori dupa ora,akm tre´s mergem in cls!;)
E bn si atunki!:D
E bn si atunki!:D
La ora de romana..Profa´ intra in cls!.
La ora de romana..Profa´ intra in cls!.
Buna ziua,copii...
Buna ziua,copii...
Clasa: Buna ziua.!
Clasa: Buna ziua.!
Eu am cateva probleme de rezolvat..Va voi lasa singuri! Am incredere in voi,da?
Eu am cateva probleme de rezolvat..Va voi lasa singuri! Am incredere in voi,da?
DA d´mna,cum s nu!:D
DA d´mna,cum s nu!:D
Cum a iesit profa´ din cls,a inceput galagia!:))
Cum a iesit profa´ din cls,a inceput galagia!:))
Bah´...Ce mama draq´ e aiki? Hai s ne jukam ADEVAR sau PROVOCARE!!!
Bah´...Ce mama draq´ e aiki? Hai s ne jukam ADEVAR sau PROVOCARE!!!
Deki,...Vanessa pe cine alegi? Pe ADV sau pe PROVO?:))
Deki,...Vanessa pe cine alegi? Pe ADV sau pe PROVO?:))

Comentarii album • 3
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